How to manage Permissions

Manage Permissions

The feature is accessible through the “Manage permissions” button in the User Console Tab: thanks to it, you are able to manage easily and quickly all your Users and Groups permissions.


As the first step, the Admin has to define the target for which he wants to manage the permissions.

As a target, you can choose any of the following combinations:

  • a single user;

  • multiple users;

  • a single group;

  • multiple groups;

  • a mix of users and groups.

The default permission level for each new user is set to "Revoke” i.e. they will have no visibility on any Topic but once assigned to a Group they will inherit its permissions.

The ”target” section is divided into 2 tabs:


Here's are listed all the active users along with the following details:

  • User name;

  • e-mail;


In the group tab are listed all the groups along with the following details:

  • Group name;

  • Number of users;

  • List of belonged users;


Once the target has been selected, the Permission Tab will be unlocked and will appear to you with two possible areas of interaction: Topics and Filters.


The tab shows the list of the Topics, along with two boxed columns with the possible actions you can perform for Topic Permission settings: Allow and Revoke.

To better assist you with the Topic permission assignment list can be filtered, and sorted by:

  • A-Z (default);

  • Z-A;

  • Allow;

  • Revoke.

In the Topics list are visible only those Topics that have at least the status: Ready.

If a Topic is Ready in any language, permissions can be assigned and will affect all the languages.

For example, if a Topic is only ITA-ready and the Admin assigns permissions on it, once that same Topic becomes also ENG-ready, those same permissions will stick and be applied if the language is switched to Eng.

This means that Permission Management is not affected by multiple languages.


The tab shows the list of all Filters available, unrelated to any specific Topic.

By default, all users are able to view any Filter but you can narrow down visibility by selecting specific ones.

When you allow a user to view just a specific Filter, he will lose the ability to view all the others.

Additionally, you can further shrink the filter available to the end user by selecting specific values visible to him.

To do so, expand the Filter-related section to visualise all the values available, then allow the value you want to give visibility for. The user will consequently lose visibility to every other non-selected value.

You can move from one tab to the other at any time to perform multiple changes.

Only with the final Save button, changes are saved for the both tabs

Append Permissions Button

The button “Append Permissions” has two modes:

  • ON: if the button is on all the changes that you are going to do will go appending to the AS-IS permissions.

  • OFF: if the button is off all the changes you are going to do will overwrite the AS-IS permissions.

If you shift from the on/off, the checked/unchecked box will be kept as they are.

When the Append Permission button is OFF, at the Submission, you will be warned that all the rows that are left empty will be managed as revoked.

Last updated