MS Teams integration

You can now access crystal from MS Teams, both from the application and the web version. Thanks to this enhancement, you will be able to talk to crystal and get valuable insights from your data without leaving your professional software.

In the next paragraphs, we will see how to set up crystal within your organizational MS Team accounts.

In this article “MS Teams Administrator“ and “MS Teams User“ terms refer to the user roles and permissions within the MS Teams environment and are not connected to the concepts of Admin and Member users of crystal

Please, note that, firstly, the following instructions should be executed by the MS Teams Administrator to enable users to upload custom applications.

Once the upload of custom apps is enabled for MS Teams Users, they will be able to upload custom apps for themselves. Please, check this section to find out how to do so.

An alternative approach is for corporate MS Teams Administrator to upload crystal custom app and make it available for everyone in organization or selected users through permission control. Check this to find out how to proceed.

How to enable custom apps upload (MS Teams Administrator)

Before MS Teams Users can proceed with uploading and setting crystal app within MS Teams, you need to be sure that upload of custom apps is allowed in the settings of your organization.

Here’s how the MS Teams Administrator can allow installation of custom applications within the organization:

1. Sign in Microsoft 365 admin center with relevant credentials

2. Once you are in the admin center, click on Show all on the left menu and then on appeared Teams option

3. Login with your admin credentials if required. Then click on Teams apps. In the opened menu click on Setup policies and choose Global

4. Toggle the Upload custom apps switch in the On position if needed. Then click on Save button on the bottom of a page

Great! Now it is possible to upload custom apps for your organization!

Please, note that there are other ways for the MS Teams Administrator to enable selected users to upload custom apps by creating setup policies

MS Teams allow to set up different policies to allow other trusted users to upload custom apps in Admin center. Check up Microsoft Teams instructions on how you can do it in the section “Allow trusted users to upload custom apps“ if you want to allow specific users of your organization to upload and set up applications, including crystal app.

Once permissions are given, MS Teams Users can proceed with the next step of crystal app deployment.

How to upload custom app for yourself (MS Teams Users)

When upload of custom apps is allowed in admin center settings, every interested MS Teams User can upload .zip archive which was delivered by iGenius independently.

All set with the MS Teams settings? Let’s see how you can upload crystal:

Please, keep in mind that you can upload a custom app only for you, therefore other MS Teams Users in your organization will not get access to the app unless they deploy it too!

1. Open MS Teams

2. In the bottom-left corner, click on the Apps icon.

3. In the bottom-left corner, click on Upload a custom app and, in the pop-up menu that will open right after, click on Upload for me or my teams.

4. A file-explorer menu will open. You will have to choose ““, provided by iGenius, and click on “open“.

After completing the procedure, crystal application will be available in the Apps section. Use search bar in case you don’t easily spot it in the opened menu.

5. Once you open crystal app, you will see the crystal login screen. Use your personal credentials to proceed.

And then crystal is ready to go!

Get the best out of your data with the help of crystal, your virtual advisor.

How to upload custom app for the whole organization (MS Teams Administrator)

The MS Teams Administrator can upload crystal on MS Teams, so it will be available for download for all the users of the organization or a selected group of users if permission settings will be activated.

1. Sign in Microsoft 365 admin center , click on Show all on the left menu and then on Teams. Login with your admin credentials if required. Then click on Teams apps

2. In the opened menu on the left click on Manage apps. Then, click on +Upload in the opened tab.

3. Upload a custom app menu will be opened. Click on upload and choose the .zip archive provided by iGenius.

That’s it!

By default, all users can access the app in your organization's app store. To restrict and control permission to use the app, you can create and assign an app permission policy. To learn more, see Manage app permission policies in Teams instructions on Microsoft official website.

Keep in mind that the app isn't highlighted after it's uploaded, so you'll need to search it in the list of apps on the Manage apps page to find it.

If this alternative approach was chosen to upload crystal app, check below the very last steps MS Teams Users should do in order to start working with crystal within MS Teams.

How to add crystal app in MS Teams after MS Teams Administrator has uploaded it for the organization (MS Teams Users)

First of all, like we mentioned, you need to make sure that your MS Teams Administrators added the crystal app to MS Teams for your organization. Once you are ok with that, it is pretty simple to install MS Teams and start using it with crystal.

Let’s start!

1. Open MS Teams.

2. In the bottom-left corner, click on the Apps icon.

3. In the list of apps Built for your org find the crystal app icon and click on it. Use the Search bar if you can’t spot it easily.

4. A pop-up will open. Now click on Add.

5. After the crystal app is installed, you will see the crystal login screen and you will be able to login with your personal credentials.

MS Teams integration: Web Browser

You can also use crystal on MS Teams in your browser directly:

Everything is ready!

Get the best out of your data with the help of Crystal, your Advisor.

Last updated