How do I export topics?

crystal allows exporting topics as Excel or PDF files. The Excel will show you all the data inside the topic and the PDF will show the visualization.

You will be able to download the topics by bringing up them from the conversation with the advisor.

  • If you are using crystal on Web, click on the download icon in the upper right corner of the topic card and choose if you want to download the Excel or PDF version.

  • If you are using crystal on Android, click on the share icon in the upper right corner of the topic and choose the format to access the Android share sheet from where you will be able to download or share the document through other apps.

  • If you are using crystal on iOS, click on the three dots menu in the upper right corner and choose the format to access the iOS share sheet, from where you will be able to download or share the document through other apps.

Please note that if the topic you want to download contains more than 1000 rows, you will see a notification that advises you to wait while the file is generated in the background and you will be notified when the file is ready. This happens because the more data the topic contains, the more it takes to generate the file.

Last updated